Technical Support
In the audio industry standard to distinguish the speaker sound quality
Release Date: [2014/2/10 15:38:06]   Total read [1918] Times

In the sound system, all speakers are, or although the low price of the speaker is difficult to guarantee the perfect quality, but any price and level of the speaker has certain reference standards, let's introduce for everybody in audio industry standard to distinguish the speaker sound quality of the four indicators.

(1), the test medium frequency vocals

Human voice is the most often hear the sound, or it is not difficult to detect, check for unusual nasal vocals or be sipping mouth feel.

Some speakers "box" also will greatly interfere with the intermediate frequency, the sound of this band is only a blur. Dye intermediate frequency sound relative to the other frequency sound dye is more serious, because most can hear the voice of the frequency, or the frequency of the music was concentrated in the intermediate frequency range, almost for all types of music, this can be a replay of obstacles.

(2), testing, high volume and sound like

Some speakers at low volume performance is stable, but in the volume up to an index will be distorted, or the "edge", music of all kinds of audio signal, (of course, but the volume of the 12 o 'clock for safety test standard). Specifically, if the orchestra is one joy of love, then you must go through this.

Up to standard of speakers do voice from the box to a certain extent, builds a clear sound field and the like, show the point location of different instruments and texture, there is plenty of diffusion and high growth, rich, but the audio space. Weak and end should be heard clearly, and in large volume and big lineup deformation under the condition of no distortion, voices and Musical Instruments sound, never both. High quality can show a rich music replay and air, and notes jumping ability, like see clearer sky, show a picture by meticulous and orderly audio and video. More directly and is under long listening is not ears tired.

(3), test the quality of the low frequency

Poor speaker low frequency can be produced by boom if ears deaf, but completely is the fat thickness, the lack of administrative levels feeling and strong feeling. Good low frequency should be clean and lively, distinct, not slow, the ghosts do not come loose, even if all kinds of low frequency instrument such as size of bass drums, bass guitar and piano, can be distinguished easily. So don't be fooled easily by the amount of low frequency sense, inferior low frequency than clean sound natural and comfortable.

(4), test the high frequency of flexibility

Inferior is the high-frequency shriek in ear, hear a splitting headache, extreme cases violin or soprano of bel canto to brake noise.

Similarly, soprano of instrumental music more different texture, good high frequency is to be able to tell. Quality level of high frequency can even again is to distinguish between two different years different wooden played by the rhyme.

Is the most easy to master keys, good high is not terrible, back to a listen to erect, pore also is not more listen to more tired, and it is continous toughness and elastic, smooth and level, up to the top can be easily heard do not produce the metaphone

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